Welcome to The Thyroid Naturopath’s blog, where we delve into the crucial topic of Thyroid Wellness and how it intersects with the impact of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs). As a Naturopath specializing in thyroid conditions such as Hashimoto’s and Graves Disease, I understand the importance of addressing environmental toxins that can exacerbate these conditions or sabotage healing success.
Understanding Thyroid Wellness Amidst Environmental Toxins
Autoimmune Thyroid conditions, including Hashimoto’s and Graves’ Disease, have become increasingly prevalent in our modern world. In fact, the prevalence of autoimmune diseases is estimated to be 3% to 10% of the general worldwide population (Molecular Mechanisms in Autoimmune Thyroid Disease). While genetics and other factors play a role, environmental influences, particularly Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs), have emerged as significant contributors to thyroid dysfunction.
What Are Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)?
EDCs are synthetic compounds that mimic or interfere with hormones in the body. They are found in various everyday products, from plastics and personal care items to pesticides and household cleaners. These chemicals can disrupt the delicate balance of the endocrine system, leading to hormonal imbalances, immune dysregulation, and thyroid dysfunction.
The Thyroid Gland’s Vulnerability
The thyroid gland is particularly susceptible to the influence of EDCs due to its reliance on iodine to produce thyroid hormones. EDCs can interfere with iodine uptake, hormone synthesis, and receptor binding, exacerbating thyroid conditions like Hashimoto’s and Graves Disease.
Unraveling the Link Between EDCs and Thyroid Conditions
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune condition where the immune system attacks the thyroid gland. Research suggests that exposure to certain EDCs may trigger or worsen autoimmunity, leading to increased thyroid inflammation and dysfunction.
Graves Disease: Graves Disease is another autoimmune disorder, characterized by an overactive thyroid. EDCs may disrupt the immune system’s tolerance mechanisms, contributing to the development and progression of this condition.
The Power of Avoidance and Minimisation
As a Thyroid Naturopath, I emphasize the importance of reducing exposure to EDCs to support thyroid wellness. Here are practical steps to minimize exposure:
- Choose organic and locally sourced foods to reduce pesticide intake.
- Opt for natural personal care products without phthalates otherwise known as plasticers and parabens.
- Use glass or stainless steel containers for food and drinks to avoid plastics. NB. Glass if preferred as we do still absorb stainless steel particles.
- Filter your water with a reputable water purification system to remove contaminants, including EDCs.
- Educate yourself on EDCs’ sources and make informed consumer choices. Have you seen my Masterclass on 5 Keys to Release Your Thyroid from Toxic Overwhelm? Check it out on my You Tube Channel.
Would you like a copy of my list of personal care products that don’t harbour Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals? To be honest, it’s forever expanding, as the great thing is there are so many amazing products available that are clean. Continue reading for the list.
Naturopathic Strategies for Thyroid Wellness
In addition to minimizing EDC exposure, there is so much we can do from a naturopathic perspective to support thyroid health and address Hashimoto’s and Graves Disease.
Here are some thyroid healing naturopathic strategies, which to be fair only scratch the surface:
- Nutritional Support: Customized diets rich in nutrients essential for thyroid function, including iodine, selenium, zinc, vitamin D.
- Herbal Medicine: Utilising herbal medicine such as Withania (Hashimoto’s) and Lemonbalm (Graves) to help balance thyroid hormones and calm inflammation.
- Improving your stress response: Lifestyle strategies, with daily implementation of stress-reduction techniques to calm your nervous system, improve your digestive system and support adrenal health. Stress, anxiety and overwhelm are major exacerbating factors for thyroid issues.
- Gut Health: Addressing gut imbalances, as a healthy gut plays a vital role in immune function and may impact thyroid autoimmunity.
- Detoxification Support: Assisting the body’s natural detoxification pathways to reduce toxin burden and optimize thyroid function.
The Impact of Glyphosate
Glyphosate, a well-known chemical found in pesticides like Roundup, is also an Endocrine Disrupting Chemical that poses a threat to thyroid health. Chronic exposure to glyphosate has been associated with obesity, thyroid diseases, Alzheimer’s, and various other health issues. Unfortunately, glyphosate residues are found in conventionally grown produce, making it crucial to choose organic options. At the very least, I recommend having a good understanding of The Dirty Dozen and The Clean Fifteen!
The Dirty Dozen and Clean 15: The Dirty Dozen is a list of produce items with the highest pesticide residues, while the Clean 15 is a list of items with the lowest residues. Choosing organic for the Dirty Dozen can help reduce exposure to harmful chemicals. Here are some examples:
Dirty Dozen: Strawberries, spinach, nectarines, apples, grapes, peaches, cherries, pears, tomatoes, celery, potatoes, sweet bell peppers (capsicum), hot peppers (chilli).

Examples of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in everyday products
EDCs are prevalent in various products we encounter daily:
Bisphenol A (BPA): Found in plastics, water bottles, canned food – the lining of the can, water pipes, thermal sales receipts, non-stick cook ware.
Phthalates: Present in toothbrushes, toys, food packaging, cosmetics, aspirin, tools, shower curtains, vinyl, and automobile parts.
Atrazine: A herbicide used in corn and sugar cane crops, as well as turf on golf courses and residential lawns.
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) & Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs): Found in flame retardants, furnishings, electronics, motor vehicles, airplanes, plastics, and textiles.
DDT & DDE: A pesticide banned in 2001, but with a long half-life, it still affects the environment and human health.
My Personal List of non-toxic personal products
Empowering Thyroid Wellness
By understanding the role of EDCs and their impact on thyroid health, you can take proactive steps to protect your thyroid and overall well-being. As a Naturopath specializing in thyroid conditions, I am committed to guiding you on your journey towards optimal thyroid wellness.
It doesn’t stop there. Having worked within this speciality field of thyroid wellness for several years, there is so much you can do as an individual to improve your thyroid health. However having the knowledge and understanding of the ubiquitous nature of thyroid-impacting chemicals is paramount, and often a first step to gradual change.
The way I work with clients is very bespoke. We go deep to unravel the exacerbating factors, triggers and root causes (yes there are multiple). One of the most satisfying moments as a thyroid specialising naturopath is when a client improves their overall signs and symptoms, and the lab report indicates thyroid stability. And it’s from this point that we compound and solidify your dietary and lifestyle blueprint to reach health abundance.
Let’s unlock the potential of your thyroid wellness and embrace a healthier, toxin-free life.
For personalized support and guidance for ultimate thyroid wellness
Book your complimentary 10-minute Readiness Assessment call with Megan Taslaman – The Thyroid Naturopath. This way I can gain clarity and understanding of your current state of thyroid health and determine if we are a good fit to pave the path to your vibrant thyroid health and lasting well-being.