Support your
thyroid… naturally?


I’m The Thyroid Naturopath – an advocate and educator for thyroid health. I empower women and men to make informed decisions about their hormonal health.
I truly believe that swift, proactive lifestyle changes can prevent the worst manifestations of thyroid illnesses. And long before intensive medical solutions need to be administered. I have first-hand experience of the benefits of natural approaches to thyroid improvement – most of which are incredibly simple. My deep desire is that we as a society take our treatments back to their simplest beginnings and let nature do what it does best – nurture, heal and support.
“A person who has their health has 100 dreams. A person who does not has just one and that is to feel better. When you give someone their health back, they can achieve all their dreams."

No quick fixes here
When I was studying to become a naturopath, I was exhausted all the time. By lunch time every day I’d be desperate for a nap in my office, or even on the massage table if I was lucky.
I wasn’t more or less busy than anyone else I knew, and I couldn’t figure out why I felt so much worse than my peers. I’d get anxious and wired to get me through my studies. My hair was falling out and my skin dried out. It was a wild time of unusual, seemingly unrelated issues.
Through my studies, I started to get the sense that perhaps my thyroid wasn’t performing as it should, so I did what I was ‘supposed to do’ and visited my doctor. I was immediately referred to an endocrinologist whose instinct was, of course, to write me a prescription for thyroid medication.
I knew in my heart that a life dependent on medication was not the life I wanted for myself. Nor did it align with my chosen profession as a naturopath. So I got to work. I dove into the research, learned everything I could about how to overcome my challenges naturally and began to reboot my hormones and metabolism.
It was a gradual return to ‘normal’ for me. It took lots of trial and a little bit of error along the way, but every experience I had has led me to today. Now I have completely dedicated my focus to helping my clients navigate their thyroid journey as naturally as possible.

I am…
As an advocate and educator, I won’t stop until my clients are well on their way to a natural, balanced existence, free from debilitating symptoms.
As a naturopath, I am fully committed to sharing my knowledge of the wonders of natural therapies, and empowering women and men to make the best available choice for themselves.
As a clinician, I pride myself on my ability to deliver tailored, simple, holistic lifestyle solutions that support the shifts needed to live a fulfilled, balanced life of abundance.
Having met Megan some years ago through her remedial massage business, I turned to her for dietary advice when I was diagnosed by a gastroenterologist with Irritable Bowel System (IBS) last year. I was feeling overwhelmed in implementing a low FODMAP diet. What I have received from Megan is so much more than just dietary advice.
Megan’s holistic approach has included mentoring me on exercise, sleep, cooking tutorials and stress relief, as well as dietary advice. Her gentle encouragement has resulted in me trying some foods that I need to heal my body but would not have tried without Megan’s mentoring.
Megan’s approach is listening and then testing to create a plan that is tailored to me. Having just completed testing again after 10 months, I can see the results showing progress made during that time and I am feeling so much better. It is still a work in progress, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I’ve had people say to me how well I am looking.
If you have a health issue, especially one that has not been adequately addressed by the medical profession, I would recommend a discussion with Megan to see if it is something that she can help you with. Even though Megan specialises in Thyroid conditions, she works with people on a variety of health issues.

Earlier in the year, I had a chance encounter with Megan. During this time we discussed the issues I was having with my health, namely psoriasis on the scalp which I have had for approximately three decades. I have been to numerous specialists in the past and given various treatments but unfortunately nothing really helped.
The best decision I made after meeting Megan was to partner with her to try and eliminate this debilitating disease. Since carrying out various tests to identify the deficiencies and triggers in my body and implementing a treatment plan, my overall wellbeing has improved greatly and the psoriasis is slowly improving which I am forever grateful.
If you are experiencing any major health issues, I really encourage you to reach out to Megan. She is truly a very knowledgeable, vibrant and caring woman who will assist and guide you onto the path of health abundance!
~Sharon B.

Hey Megan,
Thank you for your support and knowledge.
I’m feeling blessed that our paths crossed at the right time for me.
The future is looking very positive 🙏🌻💛
~Suze C.

It's incredible how Megan was meant to come into my life. I met Megan at a day spa where she gave me a massage. Megan briefly told me about her Thyroid pathway.
I reached out to Megan a few months later out of curiosity albeit I don't have a thyroid condition. Through testing Megan has however discovered other deficiencies which has been the cause of inflammation, pain and mental instabilities.
Megan has been very professional and approachable with an abundance of knowledge to set me on the right pathway to better health. I feel so much better in mind, body and spirit and cannot thank Megan enough for her advice and constant regular care.
She truly is an amazing coach.
~Linda G.

I feel so blessed that I found a kindred spirit in my "neck of woods" who speaks my language and has similar values to me.
This will probably sound cheesy to some, but I really feel like Megan was my saviour in this healing crisis and I will be forever grateful to her for that.
If you are reading this wondering if Megan's services could help you, trust me, they can and will.
~Brenda F.

Thanks Megan for sharing your wealth of information and knowledge during my wellness program. Doesn’t 6 months fly! I’ve learned and grown so much. Thanks to your advice and support, I now know the best diet and lifestyle for managing my dis-ease, and have gone from not cooking at all for the past 6 years, to making my own bread again and growing fresh herbs and greens to add to my meals every day, and now include more variety of veggies and salads in my diet than ever before . My digestion has improved immensely because of the change in diet and gut-health supplements. I’ve included short meditations to my morning & night routines and with some herbal supplements also have improved my sleep and stress management. During the program I’ve been able to identify the main triggers for my symptoms. I still have a way to go on managing my stress response and internal dialogue that feeds my stress levels, but I’ve got tools to keep improving these issues and realise that there is no overnight fix to a lifetime of habits that don’t serve me. Reducing my stress response and getting back to doing more regular exercise is where my future intentions are to continue my health journey. It was lovely to meet the group of similar-minded souls and receive encouragement along the way. I’ll likely be chatting to Megan again in the future for further naturopathic support, but will be leaving the support group as I’ve finished my program. I just wished to say thank you and best wishes to you all
~Wendy I.

Greetings, my name is Willie Hunter and I reside in Battle Mountain, Nevada, United States. I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Disease in June of 2022. I was put on Levothyroxine 50mcg and was also told that I did not need to be worried about my diet. I ran into Megan on an internet forum that was made up of people who had thyroid issues as well as Hashimoto’s. I asked a few questions and Megan responded that she felt she could help me and if I was interested, I could send her a message. So, I sent her a message and this was the beginning of a life-changing relationship for me. I was dealing with severe anxiety, lack of sleep, little interest in food and very bad stomach issues. Megan scheduled a discovery meeting with me and after that was completed, I decided to a 6-month commitment with Megan. After six months of working with Megan, I was no longer on thyroid medication and my Hashimoto’s was in remission. I decided to commit to another 6 months with Megan where she continued to fine-tune my body. In August of this year, I was at the end of my commitment. Megan and I had a meeting and we mutually agreed that I should go out on my own and see how things go. Today I feel better than I have in years. I am walking over 100 miles per month (160 kilometers) and I have also hired a personal trainer and she is assisting me 3 days per week to rebuild the muscles I have lost over the past 3.5 years. If you are sitting on the fence wondering what you should do, I would highly recommend a one-on-one session with Megan. Megan gets results and she truly cares about the people she works with.
~Willie H.

Megan gave me the best framework from the initial consultation to start losing weight without any stress. I have lost over 15 kilos, am down three dress sizes and am still losing. Thank you, Megan, for your brilliant advice. I feel like a new and healthier person!

Megan, thank you for everything you have done for me over the past 12 months. What you have done for me has completely changed my life and has also given me a path for future improvement in my life. We are definitely not done with our journey. I will be in contact after year-end Pathology Tests.
Also, to the members of the group, I have enjoyed all of you tremendously and I wish you all the best going forward.❤️❤️
~Willie H.

The program allowed space for me to reignite my health and get me out of ‘my normal’ let’s say less healthy patterns. I didn’t find it hard and was surprised at how easy some of the challenges were. I found the progression easy and manageable as the program wasn’t a ‘diet’ as such, but rather a lifestyle change. I was able to make some changes and create a healthy pattern that worked for me, and was happy to lose 4kg along the way. I’m looking at reaffirming some aspects. I recommend the program to anyone who doesn’t like rules around foods.
~Erin H.

My experience was a surprise. It was a more holistic connection of mind, heart and how my body reacted to foods in terms of energy, clarity and sleep. It’s really good. My energy is so much better than it was and I have less anxiety and I’m more positive about life. I think the key phrase Megan said was ‘back yourself’. It really was time for me to do just that and really go all in and see what could come out of it and you get what you put in.
~Dana R.

Working with Megan was such a blessing! Prior to finding Megan I had suffered for several years with chronic ill health and had been to several GPs and Specialists who were unable to help (wasting a fair bit of time and money in the process). As I wasn't getting answers I did a lot of reading and research myself and I trialled many diet and lifestyle changes by myself without significant improvement. I was actually finding the mental pressure of trying to find the solution myself was also taking a toll on me. I even had to take 12 months off work because of my health. My results with Megan have been incredible. She was diligent and thorough, and we found the root cause of my health issues and she advised me and supported me to make the changes (including diet, lifestyle, and emotional changes) that were required to bring me back to health. She also took the mental load off me from trying to find the solution myself which was a huge relief. Working with Megan for 12 months was a financial investment (which I was a bit reluctant to make at first) but it was 100% worth the time and money and has set me up for a wonderful future. I have learned so much about health and wellbeing which I will be able to take with me into the future. Plus, she is such a lovely person and I thoroughly enjoyed all of our sessions and interactions. Thank you, Megan!
~Emma N.

The program was a fabulous way to learn more about nutrition, exercise, motivation, and how to work through those speed bumps life throws at you. I would definitely recommend it to others, and will be returning to what I have learned to adapt to new challenges through my health journey
~Cate P.

After a few months of Covid living, bad habits were creeping up on me so when Megan's Doable Detox program arrived, it was perfect timing. Megan promised "doable" and that's exactly what it was. We were provided with all the resources, recipes, tips and a private FB group to share our progress and how we were experiencing the program. I've kept the recipe booklet because it had so many yum ideas in it. The Doable Detox program got me back on track to eating properly again and back into exercise, two routines which had started to slip away. In particular, I have continued taking magnesium daily and that has really helped me manage pain and mobility issues caused by a chronic hip/back condition. If you have let healthy routines slip, I highly recommend Megan's courses - she is right there supporting all the way and always accessible to answer questions and provide advice! It felt like having my own, private therapist on tap! 😁
~Lia S.

Since starting on my wellness journey with Megan, I've found my energy levels have risen, my diet has improved, I'm more aware of mindfulness, and generally feeling "up" everyday. I would recommend her abundance of in-depth knowledge in her field and her honest and caring approach to your health!!!
~Alison L.

It’s been almost 6 months since I began working with Megan in The Thyroid Restoration program and it has been an interesting journey. And what I mean by that is we’ve uncovered and delved so deep into what’s been going on for me and I have loved the support that I’ve got from Megan and how she’s just delved into the areas that needed to be delved into. I’ve learned so much more about what foods I should eat and when I should eat them and how I can incorporate more exercise and how I can tune-in my thyroid condition a little bit more and how everything all works together, how cortisol levels respond, how it can really shape your hormones. I have found Megan to be very, very supportive and always there for me with, if there is a solution, we work through what’s going on. If I were you, I would definitely jump on board and do this program with Megan. You will be well-supported, and I know that you will come out of the other end with so much knowledge and so much more information that you can then delve further into your health journey.
~Leanne O.

This comprehensive guide is your roadmap to understanding and nurturing your thyroid health. Learn how to optimize your nutrition, manage stress, support your thyroid with lifestyle choices, and harness the power of holistic well-being.
If you’d like to grab your personal copy of Megan Taslaman’s 30-page “First Pillar for Thyroid Wellness” ebook please enter your email address and we’ll send you a copy (within 24 hours).
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